EXTERNAL COURSE AND NEUROLOGY SUBJECTS:To better prepare for your medical course, it is important to easily access the best courses and sources of multiple choice questions at any time.The EXTERNAL COURSE Android collection brings together free applications that form a dynamic Library powered by the best QCM Quotes, Summaries and Banks_________________List of NEUROLOGY courses:StrokeCerebellar ataxiasHeadache and craniofacial painProgressive muscular dystrophiesepilepsiesParkinson diseaseDegenerative motor neuron diseasesMyasthenia gravis and myasthenic syndromesmyopathiesHereditary neuropathiesPeripheral neuropathiesMultiple sclerosisMyotonic syndromesTopographic syndromesNeurosurgerySlow spinal compressionSubarachnoid hemorrhagehydrocephalusCommon lumbo-sciaticaMCOVSpina bifidaCranioencephalic traumaBrain tumors